Here we are on the day we moved to Chicago. Aren't we cute in our matching Chicago tees? |
Hi out there. I know there are way too many Mommy blogs. Well, here's one more to read...or not read. It doesn't matter too much to me. I'm just doing this to document my oh-so-exciting life. I have always been a diary writer...well since the age of 7 anyway. My family and friends always tease me because in all of my childhood memories I am 7. But, I have the diaries to prove it! I really started writing in my diary when I was 7. That was the year I became convinced I was going to some day become a famous poet or novelist or children's book author. My teachers and parents fed me one too many compliments I guess. Anyway, none of that has come to fruition; however, I do write for a living. Well, I can't really say "living" since I don't make quite enough to support a family of four...or even a family of one for that matter. Luckily, I was fortuitous enough to marry a super smart and ambitious guy who is making enough mula so that I can stay home with our two children---the best kids ever (on most days...on other days I just pretend they aren't mine.) On my "spare" time, as in naptime or bedtime or kids watching way too much TV time, I'm a freelance writer for a handful of parenting publications. I don't claim to be the best writer or journalist in the world. Heck, I don't even try to do that. But, mommy issues interest me and I'm always looking for a story. This blog is a way to tell "our" family story, but also explore some of my story ideas, and post a few of my very best writing masterpieces. If you catch any mistakes in my blogs, just ignore them.
so you're a gemini huh!? well i'm a taurus:) so excited i have "one more to read"...looking forward to every ramblin post!!! loves loves loves xoxo
ReplyDeleteSo, I'm also an idiot. Because I meant I should have been a Cancer, not a Taurus. Cancer the crab? Get it? Crabs are for Baltimore? Guess I should do a better job of proofreading. haha. See you soon Mullies :)